OneDrive problem

We can not connect to MS OneDrive. with NetDrive version: 3.6.548, and also with the NetDrive version: 3.6.557.
Installed on MS Server 2012 R2 Standard.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.

Below you can find the Zip-File (2.8 MB)

How is state of this problem? We have the problem with several customers!

Sorry about late.

I guess your OneDrive for Business account does not have permission. MS Server returns like this

Zugriff verweigert. Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diesen Vorgang auszuf\u00fchren oder auf diese Ressource zuzugreifen.

I have access to the onedrive.
If I try to create a new drive the program open a browser and there is the info that “Authentication completed” and that I can close the browser tab, but on netdrive I get a Info that “Authentication with OneDrive for Business has failed” and it doesn’t work!

If you are using OneDrive(not OneDrive for Business) that already logged in, please try log out from OneDrive web site and add drive again.

We use OneDrive for Business and we tried to log off, but no change.

any news about my issues?

?? we still have the problem and we have to fix it asap.

We are investigate your problem now. But still no luck. Please give us more time.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.

What do you think how long you need to fix this problem? We have the same problem on 5 other clients with different OS (Server 2012 R2 Std./ Server 2016 Std.) an dalso different ND Versions, but always with OneDrive Business!

Sorry, but we have bought some lifetime licenses and we still have the problem!
So we have a lifelong support, I do not know how long we have to wait, but we still wait more than 14 days, is that the normal service?

Now it is very urgent to fix this problem! I want to talk with an Manager know!

Dear Ladys and gents.

Is it normal that you can not help or answer? We bought several Lifetime licenses and get no solutions!

We still have since over 3 weeks a problem and since more than 2 week no response on my mails on the support forum!!!

Is this your service?

We are really sorry about late response. Can we have teamviewer session for remote support?

please contact me with mail on and tell me the time if is possible for you.